Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Size and Snow

Jack wore his first size 24 months outfit today and it actually fit him pretty well! He's almost 19 months old, but he's had a growth spurt. Some of his clothes that fit a couple weeks ago, no longer fit him in the length. Since I was washing his clothes and everything was pretty much dirty, except for the outfits that were too short, I decided to put this on him thinking that the pants would be way too long, but they worked! I was shocked! We've been kind of mix and match with his sizes. He'd wear 12 months pants, but 18 month shirts, then 18 month pants, but now those are getting too short! I can't believe it! He's getting so big!

We have also been having crazy weather here! It's sort of a snow day for us. It's was really nice and warm earlier last week, but now it's cold and rainy, with some snow mixed in! Jack likes to watch the snow come down. I didn't think it'd stick too well, but it's actually sticking to the streets and stuff! It's almost April, I didn't think we'd get more snow! Usually we're worried about severe weather, not snow/ice! Crazy!

playing with the hangers from his outfit

Playing around the house

watching the snow come down with Boomer