Monday, April 20, 2009

Lost at 5 weeks along

We found out on Easter Sunday, by taking a home pregnancy test, that I was pregnant. It was really early, but the dr. confirmed it the next day. I had my blood drawn to check for the hormone levels. I was feeling skeptical...pretty typical of myself for anyone that really knows me, but we had to wait and see what was going on. I had several internet cheapie pregnancy test strips so I was using those and the lines were soooo faint, even after several days...I knew something was up. I felt like total crap on Tuesday and even had some nausea that night, but I just felt like this pregnacy wasn't going to last. The dr. confirmed my skepticism on Wednesday by saying the pregnancy hormone was really low and I needed to come back for another blood draw to see if the levels were increasing properly. I already knew in my heart it was going to be another miscarriage. Lots of stories of how it could be early, so the numbers are low, and how it was still possible for it to work out, but when the lines on the tests never got any darker by Thursday, I just knew this wasn't going to work. Dr. confirmed that on Friday. Then it was sit and wait. Sit and wait to miscarry. It finally happened this morning, 5 weeks along. Everything has passed and now it's time to move on to another month. I'm feeling fine about this now. All the real emotional stuff happened last week and I've already come to terms with what I just experienced. I've been through it before and last time it was much harder. It still sucks, but I'm feeling fine now. Just wanted to let everyone know what was going on here.