Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Future Musician?

So, everyone seems to think Jack has a little music running through his blood. I don't know where they get that idea?! But seriously, all jokes aside, Jack loves music of all kinds. He especially has a fascination with opera. We have several opera cd's that he has been listening to since birth and we have the classical music channel on TV that we turn on and he becomes completely mesmerized. There used to be this crazy commercial for some payday loan place and they did an opera jingle and Jack would stop whatever he was doing where ever he was and come watch and listen. The kid's got a constant groove going on. It's great! He likes to play the keyboard, he is very interested in our trumpets, and most recently has discovered the guitar that Kevin and Grandma Paulie plays.

Here are some pictures of Jack being instrumental.

His Sing Star toy that plays lots of different music, he got this when he was 6 months old.


Jack loves to play with his drum sticks, this was around 10 months old
Jack Drumming
He found our piccolo trumpet and was fascinated with it. 12 months old
PhotobucketTrumpet kiddo
Playing the piano keyboard
PhotobucketPiano man
Trying the guitar, 14 months old