Friday, November 21, 2008

This one is about Boomer

We've had Boomer since December of 2004 and she has pretty much been the happiest dog in the world. Until we brought home Jack. Pretty much since his birth, she's been a sad and depressed doggie. She just lays around with this sad look on her face. Poor thing! But she is still such a good dog. She is so smart and gentle but she still has her playful side too.
Poor Boomer

We got her from my parents when their dog had a litter of 11 puppies. She was 1 of the 4 golden colored pups. All the others were black. We had to house break her and she has always done very well with it. Besides the training phase, she has only had 2 accidents. One was in our garage because we were gone way too long and the second one happened in her dog pen outside for the same reason. Now that being said, we don't know what happened this morning. She was outside twice before bed, but sometime during the night I guess she had to go and go she did!! Kevin woke up thinking the cats had pooped somewhere in the house, but then he found it. The biggest pile of dog poop ever!! He woke me up and I was horrifed. It smelled up the house and was disgusting. Yuck!! Boomer never even tried to wake us up. It was strange. She always wakes me up if she needs to go out and she pesters me until I let her out. Well, not this time. It took a shovel to take care of the mess and a lot of scrubbing and cleaner. Ick! Poor Boomer. She knew she was in trouble too!

Boomer's big stickChomping on the stickCheck out those teeth!